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Design of a Condition-based Maintenance Policy Using a Surrogate Variable
Hyuck Moo Kwon, Sung Hoon Hong, Min Koo Lee
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 2021;49(3):299-312.   Published online September 29, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7469/JKSQM.2021.49.3.299
Economic Design of Variable Sample Size X Control Chart Using a Surrogate Variable
Tae Hoon Lee, Min Koo Lee, Hyuck Moo Kwon, Sung Hoon Hong, Jooho Lee
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 2017;45(4):943-956.   Published online December 31, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7469/JKSQM.2017.45.4.943
Economic Design of Three-Stage X Control Chart Based on both Performance and Surrogate Variables
Shin-Seok Kwak, Jooho Lee
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 2016;44(4):751-770.   Published online December 31, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7469/JKSQM.2016.44.4.751
Economic Design of $ar{X}$ Control Chart Using a Surrogate Variable
Tae-Hoon Lee, Jae-Hoon Lee, Min-Koo Lee, Joo-Ho Lee
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 2009;37(2):46
Design of Rectifying Screening Inspections under a Bivariate Normal Distribution
Sung-Hoon Hong, Ik-Jun Choi, Yoon-Dong Lee, Min-Koo Lee, Hyuck-Moo Kwon
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 2007;35(4):147
A Case Study on Electronic Part Inspection Based on Screening Variables
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 2001;29(3):124
Determination of Optimal Process Mean and Screening specification Limits for a Production Process
Min-Koo Lee, Yong-Sun Choi
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 2000;28(2):1
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