Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2007;35(4): 147-. |
이변량 정규분포 하에서 선별형 스크리닝 검사의 설계 |
홍성훈1, 최익준1, 이윤동2, 이민구3, 권혁무4 |
1전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과 2건국대학교 응용통계학과 3충남대학교 정보통계학과 4부경대학교 시스템경영공학과 |
Design of Rectifying Screening Inspections under a Bivariate Normal Distribution |
Sung-Hoon Hong1, Ik-Jun Choi1, Yoon-Dong Lee2, Min-Koo Lee3, Hyuck-Moo Kwon4 |
1Department of Industrial & Information Systems Engineering, Chonbuk National University 2Applied Statistics, Konkuk University 3Department of Information and Statistics, Chungnam National University 4Department of Systems and Management Engineering, Pukyong National University |
Owing to the rapid growth in automated manufacturing systems, screening inspection becomes an attractive practice for removing nonconforming items, and it has been suggested that inspection will essentially become an inherent part of modem manufacturing processes. In this paper, we propose rectifying screening inspections which allow quality practitioners to use performance and surrogate variables interchangeably in real-time applications. Two screening inspections are considered; a statistically-based screening inspection to reduce the current proportion of nonconforming items to a specified AOQ(average outgoing quality) after screening, and an economically-based screening inspection where the tolerance limit is determined so that the expected total cost is minimized. It is assumed that the performance variable and the surrogate variable are jointly normally distributed. For two screening inspections, methods of finding the optimal solutions are presented and numerical examples are also given. |
Key Words:
Quality Inspection;Performance Variable;Rectifying Screening Inspections;Surrogate Variable; |