Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management is an academic journal published by the Korean Society for Quality Management. This Journal aims to improve quality of Korean companies, and to encourage research activities of quality specialists and share the outcome. All contents related to quality suitable for this Journal can be contributed.
As per the Open-Access Policy, theses of this Journal can be read in digital files, downloaded, and printed from the website free of charge(http://www.jksqm.org). Reprint of Journal does not sell. Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management receives applications of theses and other manuscripts for publication throughout the year. If you are willing to publish (including nonmembers), please refer to the editorial policy and contribution method included in this Journal
1. Guidelines for Submission of Manuscript
Language |
Korean or English |
Thesis Type |
Research papers, applied theses, case studies, literature reviews, etc. |
Qualification |
Members and Nonmembers |
Time |
Year-round |
Publication |
March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31 |
Online Contribution |
http://submit.jksqm.org |
Offline |
ksqmeditor@ksqm.org |
Inquiries on Thesis |
Editor in Chief: Chul-Ho Cho, Dept. of Business Administration, Daegu Haany University, Korea
Email: chcho@dhu.ac.kr
Manuscript Editor: Shin, Su Yeon
Phone: +82-2-563-0357
Publication Fee (Revised March.2022) |
• Submission fee: KRW 50,000
• Publication fee: KRW 300,000
• In case of research support paper: an additional KRW 100,000
• In case of a paper participated in KSQM’s Spring/Autumn conference: a reduction of KRW 50,000
• If it exceeds 15 pages: an additional KRW 10,000 per page
• In case of an English paper: a reduction of KRW 100,000
• In case of an urgent review: an additional urgent review fee of KRW 200,000 (Additional payment of publication Charge upon publication)
※ We recommend that the total page should not exceed 20 pages.
※ Bank account information for publication fee
NH (Nonghyup) Bank 367-17-009414 (account holder: 한국품질경영학회)
2. Authorship and Ethics Guidelines
Contributors of theses must follow the ethics guidelines for academic journal below.
Author of Thesis |
Authors of the theses must be the ones who actually contributed to writing the theses. |
Prohibition of Double Contributions |
Contributed theses must be the ones that have not been published in other journals, and all or part of the theses contributed to this Journal must not be doubly published in any other publication. |
Prohibition of Plagiarism |
Concepts/data/figures used in the theses must be properly cited and clarify the sources. Plagiarism without approval is prohibited. |
Standard of Ethics Guidelines |
Authors of the theses must be responsible for the whole contents of the theses contributed.
General ethics related to the theses must be followed according to publication ethics regulation (http://publicationethics.org/).
3. List of Things to be Submitted by Thesis Contributor
Thesis Contributor to this Journal must submit the following.
Manuscript of Thesis |
Contributed thesis must be in the format required by the Society. If not in
proper format, it cannot be submitted.
- Appendix: Thesis title/author/contact email address, phone, fax
- Full text of thesis (except author information)
- When publication is confirmed, abstract/figures/tables/references must be submitted in separate file.
- Figures and tables must be clear and comprehensible by anyone.
Data and Experiment Used in Thesis |
- Source data used in the thesis must be submitted when requested by examiner, and must be preserved for one year after publication.
- Experiments used in the thesis must be explained in detail for others to verify.
Thesis Checklist |
- [Download Checklist Form] Corresponding author must download and write the form, and submit it in PDF file
Copyright Transfer Agreement and Ethics Oath |
- [Download Ethics Oath and Copyright Transfer Agreement Form] Must be downloaded, signed and sealed by all authors and submitted in PDF file
4. Form of Publication
The forms of theses that can be contributed to this Journal are as follows.
Original Article |
Academically valuable research papers related to quality |
Case Reports |
Case studies explaining practical business related to quality that are being reported for the first time |
Literature Reviews |
Manuscripts explaining academically valuable literature related to quality |
Other Manuscripts |
Brief communications: Manuscripts discovering errors in previously published theses Manuscripts in the letter form: which have the value to deliver to many readers
5. Peer-Review Procedure of Contributed Theses
Theses contributed to this Journal are peer-reviewed in the following procedure.
Rule of Confidentiality |
All theses contributed are treated as confidential. |
Reviewer |
Editor in Chief requests representative editor in the specialized field of the contributed thesis to select three reviewers who can examine the thesis and requests them for examination as specialist. |
Principle of fairness |
- Thesis reviewers examine the requested thesis with fairness and impartiality within given time.
- Thesis contributor is made anonymous so that reviewers cannot identify.
- Editor in Chief monitors fairness and impartiality of reviewers, and when violated, withdraws immediately and selects other reviewers.
Revision of thesis |
If reviewers request revision of manuscript, contributor must resubmit revised manuscript within given time. If revised thesis is not submitted for three months maximum, it is considered that contributor has no intention to submit and thus is rejected. |
Determination of Publication |
Rejection and publication are determined according to the judgment of reviewers.
If 2 or more reviewers reject
If 1 reviewers rejects, and 1 requests drastic revision
Approval of publication: If 2 reviewers approve publication
Other cases require reexamination. |
Thesis Prohibited from Publication |
Rejected theses are prohibited from being submitted again.
Theses refused by Editor in Chief due to code of ethics are prohibited from being submitted again.
6. Thesis Format of Original Article
All manuscripts must be written in A4 size (21×29.7cm) paper using word processors, Hangul or MS Word, according to the enclosed method of writing manuscripts for contribution. They must preferably be within 20 pages. [Basic format of thesis contribution to academic journals must follow the format proposed by the Council of Science Editors. http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/]
1) Format of Manuscripts for Contribution
(1) For word processor, Hangul must be used.
(2) Font Type
- Font: Korean, English, Chinese characters, and Japanese all in Batang font
- Width of letter:95(;default)
- Space between letters:-5(;default)
- Size:9.5 for the text; refer to the following diagram for title, author, affiliation, and paragraph number
(3) Paragraph Form
- Left margin, right margin, indent, above paragraph, below paragraph, space between word s:0(;default)
- Space between lines:172, alignment: mixed
(4) Printing Paper Settings
- Paper type: 190*260
- Paper direction: regular
- Margins: top 13, bottom 10, left 16, right 16, heading 14 footer 6 binding 0
2) Manuscript Title, Author Name and Affiliation
Manuscript title, author name and affiliation must be written in Korean (English when the name is
English) and English. If there are multiple authors, the author listed first is the lead author, and the
others are co-authors. Also, corresponding author must be indicated.
When writing in English, the first letter of each word used in the title must be capitalized, and all
last names in capital letters.
Corresponding author must be indicated separately, with contact address, email, phone and fax
numbers written at the bottom of the page in footnote.
3) Paragraph Numbers of Text
① The text must start from introduction and end with conclusion, in the order of ‘1. Introduction’ and ‘2. Research Purpose’ using Arabic numerals.
② When dividing into smaller paragraphs, it must be written as ‘2.1 Research Background’ and ‘2.1.1 Necessity for Research’. Numbers over four steps such as ‘ Examination in Theoretical Aspects’ must be avoided.
4) Diagrams
① Tables or Figures must have titles, and submitted in clean state that can be transcribed.
② The title of Table must be located above the table, written as ‘Table 1: 10 Dimensions for Service Quality’.
③ The title of Figure must be located below the figure, written as ‘Figure 1: Deming’s PDCA Cycle’.
5) Footnotes
Footnotes must be used when necessary, putting serial numbers on the upper-right corner of phrases, and recording contents of footnotes at the bottom of the relevant manuscript.
6) Use of Terminology
For Korean manuscripts, academic terms are to be written in Korean if possible, and may have English terms written in brackets after the relevant terms to help understand the translated terms. Terms difficult to translate as well as human names, place names and proper nouns must be written in the original language.
7) Formulas
① Formulas must be numbered on the rightmost using brackets such as ‘(1)’, and when cited again, i t must be written as ‘Formula (1)’ or ‘Equation (1)’.
② cgs or mks must be used as the unit.
8) Acknowledgement
Contributors can clarify the contents of contribution and express words of acknowledgement for institutes or individuals that supported the research administratively, technologically or financially.
9) References
References must be written in English. When translating Korean directly to English, the translation must follow Romanization Orthography prescribed by the National Institute of the Korean Language
References must follow the Council of Science Editors (CES) Style Format
References must be listed in alphabetical order.
- - Voet D., Voet J. G. 1990. Biochemistry. New York: J Wiley. 619.
- - Kuret J. A., Murad F. 1990. Adenohypophyseal hormones and related substances. In: Gilman A. G., Rall T. W., Nies A. S., Taylor P., editors. The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 8th ed. New York: Pergamon. 1334-1335.
Journal or magazine article:
- - Johnson D. L, Lynch WE Jr. 1992. Panfish use of and angler success at evergreen tree, brush, and stakebed structures. N Am J Fish Manage 12(1):222-9.
- - Karban R., and Strauss S. Y.. 1993. Effects of herbivores on growth and reproduction of their perennial host, erigeron glaucus. Ecology 74(1):39-46.
Organization as author:
- - Recommended method for the determination of y-glutamyltransferase in blood. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 36:119-25.
Electronic journal or magazine article:
- - Jones A. E.. 1990. Timing of songs and distance call learning in zebra finches. Anim Behav[serial online]. [cited 2003 Nov 15]; 49(2):123-248. Available from: Ebsco Academic Search Premier.
Conference publication:
- - Meyer B., Hermanns K. 1985. Formaldehyde release from pressed wood products. In: Turoski V. editor.
- - Formaldehyde: analytical chemistry and toxicology. Proceedings of the symposium at the 187th meeting of the American Chemical Society; 1984 Apr 8-13; St. Louis, MO. Washington: American Chemical Society. 101-106.
Electronic Book:
- - Griffiths AJF, Miller jh, Suzuki DT, Lewontin RC, Gelbart WM. 2000. Introduction to genetic analysis. [Internet]. 7 ed. New York (NY); W. H. Freeman & Co.; [cited 2005 May 30]. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books.
Web Resource: Use as much citation information as you have available. If no author is given, begin with the page name.
- - Foster MR. Spina Bifida. [Internet]. 2007 Jan 26. EMedicine from WebMD; [2008 Sep 15]. Available from: http://www.emedicine.com/orthoped/TOPIC557.htm.
- - Report of the brain tumor progress review group. [Internet]. 2001 Jul1. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ; [2003 Dec 8]. Available from: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/about_ninds/btprg/BTPRGReport.htm.
10) Appendix
Contents necessary to explain the thesis can be added as an appendix. Furthermore, necessary contents advised by the reviewer can be added to the appendix.
11) Author’s Introduction
All authors or co-authors must write their main academic background, career, current job, and interests in less than 100 Korean characters. Author’s introduction must be submitted according to the request of Editor in Chief after confirmation of thesis publication.
12) How to Write the Manuscript
Title in Korean, Align Center, HY Gothic-extra Font, 17pt
Authors in Korean, Align Center, Batang Font, 11pt
Affiliation in Korean, Align Center, Batang Font, 9pt
Title in English, Align Center, HY MyeongJo-extra Font, 14pt
Authors in English, Align Center, Batang Font, 10pt
Affiliation in English, Align Center, Batang Font, 9pt
Purpose: This study analyzes 3 different national quality awards and compare with the result from Korean quality awards conducted by Ministry of knowledge and Economy and Korea institute for advancement of technology.
Methods: We closely looked at each qualifications and tables of different countries’ awards and compared with one used in Korea. Finally we proposed some suggestions to use not only domestic model but also international ones to be objective and add efficiency to organizations.
Results: Depend on similarity of qualifications and weights, there were countries with different results and these caused score and ranking changes. Nevertheless, there was a comparison that did not make any changes on both score and ranking.
Conclusion: We recognized the limitation that a standardized quality variation cannot be enough sources to test with different size and criteria. Integrating global standards and flow would be the first step to help grow technoparks and organizations placed in Korea in days to come.
Key Words: 3-5 words (English)
1. Introduction (15pt)
Text must be written in Batang Font and 9.5pt.
Abstract, tables, figures, and references must be in English. Text can be written in Korean.

Figures and Tables must be numbered in the order of citation in the text. The title of the Table must be written at the center of the top without a period, and the description of the Figure must be written below and ended with a period.
The title and content of the Figure and Table must capitalize only the first letter and a proper noun.

Anderson, J. C., and Gerbing, D. W. 1988. Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin 103(3):411-23.
Anderson, E. W., Fornell, C., and Lehmann, D. R. 1994. Customer Satisfaction, Market Share and Profitability: Findings from Sweden. Journal of Marketing 58:58-66.
Anderson, E. W., and Sullivan, M. W. 1993. The Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction for Firms. Marketing Science 12(2):125-43.
Berry, L. L., and Parasuraman, A. 1991. Marketing Service. New York: The Free Press.
Bitner, Mary Jo. 1992. Evaluating Service Encounters : The Effects of Physical Surrounding and Employee Responses. Journal of Marketing 54(2):69-81.
Brady, M. K., and Cronin, J. J. 2001. Some New Thoughts on Conceptualizing Perceived Service Quality : A Hierachical Approach. Journal of Marketing 65(July):34-49.
Carman, J. M. 1990. Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: An Assessment of the SERVQUAL Dimensions. Journal of Retailing 66(1):33-55.
French, R. A. 1979. Competition among Selected Eastern Canadian Ports for Foreign Cargo. Martime Policy and Management 6:23-48.
Kang, Dugchool, and Jeon, Oisul. 2012. A Study on Structural Relationship among Port Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty of the Busan New Port – Based on the Moderating Effect of Switching Barrier. Journal of Korea Port Economic Association 28(1):203-27.
Kim, Beomjung. 1999. An Evaluation Customer Satisfaction Levels at International Logistics Facilities – With a Focus on Container Terminals in Korea. PhD diss., University of Dongguk.
Kim, Byungil, and Yoo, Hongsung. 2007. The Relative Effects of Three Dimensions of Service Quality of Port in Yellow Sea Region. Journal of Korea Port Economic Association 23(4):1-22.
Lee, Haksik. 1997. Determinants of Perceived Service Quality : In the Perspective of Judgment Theories. Korean Management Review 26(1):139-54.
Morgan, P. R., and Hunt, S. D. 1994. The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketig. Journal of Marketing 58(July):20-38.
Nunnally, J. C. 1978. Psychometric Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Oliver, R. 1980. A Cognitive Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction Decisions. Journal of Marketing Research 17(Nov.):460-69.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., and Berry, L. L. 1985. A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research. Journal of Marketing 49:41-50.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., and Berry, L. L. 1988. SERVQUAL : A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing 64(Spring):12-40.
Peters, H. J. 1990. Structural Changes in International Trade and Transport Markets: The Importance of Logistics. The 2nd KMI International Symposium. 151-89.
Report of the brain tumor progress review group. [Internet]. 2001 Jul1. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ; [2003 Dec 8]. Available from: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/about_ninds/btprgm.
Rust, R. T., and Oliver, R. L. 1994. Service Quality: Insights and Managerial Implications from the Frontier. in Service Quality: New Directions in Theory and Practice, Roland T. Rust and Richard L. Oliver(Eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications:1-19.
Seo, Suwan. 2001. An Analysis on the Effect of the Perceived Logistics Service Quality on the Purchasing Behavior – With Particular Reference of Korean Container Port. PhD diss., University of Chungang.
7. Review Process for JKSQM